Are you ready to Step It Up?

goals1Ready to start your journey and step it up a notch? Pursue your passion and purpose? Make a difference, make money and live the life you were meant to live? Well, you totally can.  If you are ready to commit to major breakthroughs, to invest in yourself, and kick things up a notch, I would love to be your coach along the way.


My Mission

My style is a little bit different than your standard life coach.  We go beyond crunching numbers and writing business plans (although those are important too!)  I will listen intently and then we will dig deep to uncover your struggles and work through the road blocks and turn your wildest dreams into reality.  You can do it!

My Approach

Whether you are looking for clarity or to start or grow your own business, coaching with me will help you get there easier, faster and with less stress and more fun along the way.  Let’s just say – it will be life transforming!  And, that’s a promise I strive to deliver to you.  If you are looking for small results, than I am not the right coach for you.  If you don’t feel like rolling up your sleeves and getting a little dirty in pursuit of a positive result, then I probably can’t help you either.  However, if you are looking to make some major impact (and I KNOW you are!!) than I can’t wait to show you the way.  Let’s work together! You have to be ready to go for it!

bubb leMy promise to you

I believe honesty is the best policy and I am very direct (I blame my American genes for that). So if you believe in sticking your head in the sand and hoping the adversities will magically disappear then I will give you a hard time. Success comes as a result of decisions you make. You  have the freedom to make decisions; with that freedom comes responsibility for the outcome of your choices.

When the going gets tough it’s up to you to get tougher  to turn things around. That’s why I believe that it’s only one decision that  you can make right now to create the life you want and that is to take whatever action required to make it happen!

Do any of these questions sound familiar?

  • Will I be able to adapt in a new country and why am I doing this?

  • Did I make a mistake?

  • Am I suffering from severe culture shock or am I homesick?

  • Expatriation is taking a toll on my family, what should I do?

  • I have a business idea but what do I need to do next?

  • I want to start my own business but not sure where to start?

  • I feel trapped, and don’t know how break free?

  • I had a fantastic job in my country, what can I do now?

  • Ok, now what and what’s next?

  • How can I feel more grounded and have a sense of security?

And the list goes on…….

So, let me give you some advice: Make that decision to do whatever it takes in order to live the life you want! Use what you have now to get where you want to be. If you think after reading this I can help you, then I am looking forward to hearing from you!

So, have a look at what some of my clients have said and then get in touch with me!